Wellness includes good nutrition, exercise, yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation.
Developing good habits will be a part of your treatment plan.
Socrates said, “A life unexamined is not worth living.”
The Dali Lama said, “A calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, that’s very important for good health.”
I am not a nutritionist, but science has become aware of how diet can affect our mental and physical health. There is now a focus on anti-inflammatory diets. I will give some quick pointers here:
Foods that worsen inflammation are Gluten: Wheat germ, barley, rye, spelt, Kamut, farro, bulgar, semolina, farina, and triticale. Gluten foods to avoid are beer, bread, cakes, candy, cereal, cookies, deli meats, flour, gravies, pasta and noodles, pasta sauce, pastries, salad dressings, sauces, soups, and soy sauce. (Calimeris & Bruner 2015)
If you are like me, that is my whole diet. Well, there is more bad news in the dairy arena. Have you noticed that low-fat yogurt is loaded with sugar? Milk products also contain hormones that can interfere with our hormones and lead to inflammation.(Calimeris & Bruner 2015)
Genetically Modified organisms (GMOs).
Foods to avoid with corn are:
Anything with the word corn, plus dextrose, dextrin, golden syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, maize, maltose, and xanthan gum. (Calimeris & Bruner 2015)
Soy is another problem because the US Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service states that 93 percent of soy grown in the US is genetically modified. Soy contains antinutrients that interfere with digestion and disrupt the endocrine system.(Calimeris & Bruner 2015)
Peanuts contain a carcinogenic mold called aflatoxin that can affect those with liver conditions or candida. They are also treated with pesticides but are high in omega-6 fatty acids. Peanut butter is loaded with added sugar and trans fats. (Calimeris & Bruner 2015)
This is getting depressing, so I will end this here today. We must synthesize this information and develop a diet we can enjoy while feeling better. The Mediterranean Diet is noted as the best one because of the balance of food and the fact that it does not cause inflammation.

What I can help with:
Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Codependence, Occupational, Socialization, Coping Skills, Relationship Issues, Self-Esteem. Medical Conditions Caused or Exacerbated by Stress. Living in a post COVID world has gotten complicated. Sorry, but I do not see anyone under 18 or do couples therapy.[/two_third_last]